The party started off with Marilu bringing the boys to the theater to see The Incredibles 2. I was lucky enough to miss out on that. Afterwards, they came home and we had cheeseburgers straight from the BBQ. Yum!
I'm not sure what was up with Lucas's face in that last photo. Just caught him at the wrong time, I guess.
It was a rainy day so the boys spent most of their time inside, playing mini sticks hockey and video games, but they did get outside a bit to play with Lucas's present, a new basketball net.
A little bit later, we brought out the pinata that Lucas got the week before when my mom and Kevin were visiting. It took a few hits, but we finally found a way to break the thing open, as you'll see below.
And what's a birthday party without cake?
I asked the kids to make a serious face and then a goofy face, but I only managed to get the latter. I suspect they never made serious faces.
And finally, a shot from later in the night. They were playing on the PS4 in the basement when I took this photo. I have no idea why Lucas is the only one with his shirt off, but why ask why?
The next morning, I brought them mini golfing, but unfortunately, I was too focused on corraling them to take a photo. The important news is that I won. :)
So another year, another party. In other news, Lucas finished 5th grade today. I'll do a first day/last day of the year post tomorrow. See ya then!
1 comment:
I'm sitting here laughing out loud as I watch the pinata videos. Marilu did a great job getting a video of everyone hitting. I couldn't stop laughing as I watched you pitch the pinata to Lucas and then the mad scramble for candy. So happy we bought that pinata. It was definitely worth it. Looks like it was a great birthday and Lucas will have many fine memories thanks to your blogspot. Keep up the good work.
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