Thursday, December 24, 2015

Preparing for Christmas

As promised, I've got pre-Christmas stuff in this entry. Specifically, the visit to Santa at the mall as well as our trip to the tree farm.

First up, Santa. We went to the same Santa we've gone to for all but one mall Santa visits. Lucas realizes that it's not the "real" Santa (it's a helper), but he enjoys the visit all the same since the helped reports back to Santa. Here are my two favorite photos.

For the first time ever, we went to a tree farm to get our Christmas tree. Accompanying us were my mom and Kevin, who were visiting us that week. It was a fun time since they had other stuff to do besides cutting down the tree. Speaking of which, it took us what felt like forever to choose a tree. It's so much easier when they are all wrapped up and sitting in a parking lot since there's not much to see, and it's basically a crapshoot. I don't know if we'll do this every year, but I'm sure we'll do it again at some point.

Getting ready to head over to Tracey's for our annual Christmas Eve get-together. I'm sure I'll have pictures of the boys from that so keep an eye out for something tomorrow. And if I don't talk to you before then, have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Good pictures with Santa. The last picture in the series was amusing. You all do goofy faces very well.