Monday, December 21, 2015

Football Videos

Whoops, it's been longer than I thought since my last post. What with my mom visiting for a week, studying for exams, and then all the hoopla to do with the holidays, I guess I lost track of time. I'll make up for it with daily (or near daily) updates between now and the end of the year.

Before I get to the good stuff, I wanted to mention that we saw the new Star Wars this morning. I won't spoil anything, but I will say it was fantastic and everything I was hoping for. Let the countdown begin on Episode 8!

Toward the end of the November, I posted the rest of the pictures from Lucas's football camp and mentioned I would upload videos. Well, better late than never I guess so here they are.

First off was a blocking/pushing drill. I think it's safe to say the other kid had the size advantage here.

The next two videos are plays where Lucas is either a running back or full back. He's probably supposed to be blocking in them, but oh well. He'll learn those moves next year. :)

Chatting up one of the coaches on the sideline.

And finally, even though he wasn't able to catch and/or tackle the opposing player with the ball, he hustled after him so that was good to see.

I'll be back tomorrow, probably with Christmas-related stuff.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Yea! Finally some new pictures. The videos were actually quite funny. At one point Lucas looked like he didn't have a clue, but that didn't seem to matter to him since we heard from him later that football. was awesome.