Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The End of Movember

For those of you wondering how Movember wrapped up, wonder no more. This post is for you!

Thanks to several generous donations, I raised $340 for prostate cancer research. In addition, the team I was a part of (Cheshire Cat Staches, named for my favorite restaurant here in Ottawa) raised over four grand. Not bad for the first year. Hopefully, we can double it next year.

I think my last Movember-related post ended with a picture from Day 20. The next day I took at picture was Day 26...

...and we wrapped things up on Day 30.

While the mustache is nothing to get excited about in that last picture, I swear to god that chin is the spitting image of Sergeant Slaughter's. Actually, the color of my mustache hair bothered me throughout this whole month. Even at the end, it looked like I had barely grown anything. As such, on Dec 1 (aka Day 31), I went to the local drugstore and picked up a box of Just for Men. The results follow.

Truly, a "mothers, hide your daughters" moment if there ever was one. After those stunning shots--all self-portraits since Marilu wasn't around--I started shaving it off. I was hoping to shave it down to an amusing shape before getting rid of it completely, such as a John Waters pencil thin one, but my shaving skills are not that impressive. Hence, I was stuck with this less-than-politically correct one.

Once again, thanks to everyone who supported me. I really appreciate your help.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Too funny. Nicely done!