Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Almost Caught Up! (In Fantasyland)

So I survived the trip to Detroit with five other guys. Just barely, with one of the highlights (lowlights?) being the point where I was throwing up out of a moving car in downtown Detroit. Remember kids, when you finish all your beer, it's a good idea to avoid shots of liquor. Anyway...

We're slowly catching up in the pictures as we have finally reached June. Only 6 months behind now! I'll try not to think about how sad an achievement that is. The biggest event that happened that month was Lucas's 4th birthday party, but I already posted pictures from that at the time so it probably won't be more than a couple of updates before we're only 5 months behind. So without any further adieu, let's take a look at what happened in June. Warm, sunny, bright, comfortable June. 

This first one was from the very beginning of the month. While we were out, Lucas and his babysitter Emma drew a picture on his easel. I thought it was cute enough to warrant inclusion here.

Apparently, Lucas takes after me when it comes to finding places to relax. He can get comfortable both inside...

or outside.

In case you're wondering what is going on in that last picture, we had sold that chair to someone who was paying us extra to deliver it. For what it's worth, I still miss that chair. I barely used it since it was downstairs in the basement (in a spider-infested corner), but it was a really comfortable chair. In our next house, I'm getting one for every room.

There must be something good on TV here.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Have you not learned your lesson about the evils of excess alcohol yet? With that said, I too liked that chair and the pic of Lucas in the car is really cute.