Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First Haircut

If you're wondering why I'm not posting a bunch of pictures from last week, there's rhyme to my reason, a method to my madness. As most of you probably know, Marilu and Lucas are heading up to Marilu's hometown of Labrador City on Saturday, and they'll be there for about 10 days. Since I won't have any new photos of the little guy during that time, it only makes sense to ration out the existing photos so that I can add a few new ones each day or two during the "hiatus." Then when the two of them get back, I can shower the blog with a plethora of new pics. See, it all makes sense when you stop thinking about it too hard.

This afternoon, Lucas had his very first haircut. Since he had quite a bit of hair when he was born, and he just turned 9 months old, he was starting to get shaggy. And as his godfather mentioned in an email, long hair isn't bad when you have facial hair. However, before that time, it's easy to get confused with a girl, and we don't want that! So without any further adieu, some pictures and two short videos from our trip to the barber shop (or hair salon or whatever the heck they call those things nowadays).

Post haircut, Lucas chews on a piece of paper and tries to forget the trauma. Seriously though, he was pretty good throughout the whole thing. A little bit of shaking his head around and whining, but no big temper tantrums. Well done, Lucas!

We took a couple of pictures with each of us and Lucas when we got home. I think both of these turned out pretty well. Marilu thinks Lucas and I look identical in this photo below. I don't see it, but if so, poor kid. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey dad!

How's Lucas supposed to sit still when you're calling his name and trying to get his attention while he's getting his hair cut?

He looks so much older with the new do! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Wow - you wouldn't think a baby haircut would make such a difference! They did a great job! Equally cute before and after though. It hadn't occurred to me that he needed a haircut, but I just looked at the pictures I took of him last week, and I guess he did!

And Justin, Lucas does look just like you in that picture.
