Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Take 2

The last I heard from Air Canada, the next flight to DC wasn't available until Wednesday. Now I'm not sure why or how, but I was able to get another flight out tomorrow (Tuesday). So basically, I'm going to try and make my way down there a second time. Since I was already going down a day early to hang out with my friend Jason, this is only going to push the training back one day. Then I'll spend an extra day at the end of the week to make up for the missed "hanging out" day, which will probably involve a considerable amount of alcohol, as meeting between old guy friends often do. The moral of the story is that I won't be updating until sometime on Saturday, when I return to Ottawa. (not totally true...I plan to upload another Lucas video before logging off for the night, and I'll post it in the morning)

I missed a couple of cute pictures of Lucas eating from last week. He has a tendency to want to pick at his food so he can feel the texture. One of the days, he was doing it a lot, and it made it really difficult to feed him with the spoon. Finally, I decided to descend to his level (real mature, I know), and I started feeding him with my own hands. All in all, it became a very messy affair for both of us. Observe...

The next night he stayed clean (relatively speaking), but he did a number on his tray.

Now, let me get to uploading so you have a movie or two in the morning...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Lucas contains his mess to his face, bib and tray. I'm so jealous! I'm also jealous that he actually eats his food. Thierry gets way more food on his face, hands, bib (the full arms and body kind), tray, and floor than in his mouth. I am already fed up with cleaning up the mess 3 times a day. It doesn't help that he has decided the only food we can feed him from a spoon is yogurt. Everything else he has to do himself. If he likes it. Coming up with finger foods for a baby with only 2 bottom teeth, limited hand-to-mouth coordination and picky taste buds is a challenge.

Did I mention I'm jealous?
