Thanks to everyone who offered advice on Lucas's rash from last my last post. Who'da thunk so many people knew about baby butt cracks?
As luck would have it, Lucas had his latest check-up earlier today, and the doctor said his sores are probably NOT due the diapers or his wipes, but rather may be a side effect of his poop. That is, he's pooping so much, it's frequently on his skin, and that may be causing the problem. At least I think that's what Marilu said. She explained it to me earlier, but I have a memory like a sieve and forget things pretty quickly. So that's likely the explanation, give or take 10% of reality.
Anyway, the doctor gave Lucas a prescription for a hydrocortisone cream that we'll be using directly on the sores. Woohoo! My baby is just shy of 4 weeks old, and he's already juicing up on the steroids! Watch out, NFL!
Oh, the other big news (no pun intended) from the doctor's appointment is that Lucas is now 9 lbs, 2 oz. To put that in perspective, he was 7 lbs, 3oz, when he was first born, and he dropped to 6 lbs, 9 oz, at the worst point of the jaundice incident. So in the roughly 2 1/2 weeks since that last weight, he's put on a good pound and a half. I suppose that doesn't sound that impressive when I eat a 16 oz steak, but for him, it's great news. The jaundice is definitely gone, and he's a growing boy. Go Lucas! Only 220 lbs or so until you catch up with dad!
1 comment:
Sounds about right with the poop theory. Just wait until you have to use antibiotics for the first time. Carson turns into a serious poop machine then. We usually use A and D or vaseline. Destin is also a good choice as well.
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