Sunday, July 22, 2007

Busy boy

Friday was a pretty active day for Lucas. For starters, he visited my workplace for the first time and met several of my co-workers. All the women thought he was as cute as can be so he must be developing quite a little ego by now. Then again, he was more interested in the fluorescent lights than anyone that was holding him, as evidenced in this shot:

Afterwards, Marilu got together with several of the girls from her book club, along with their offspring. So I guess that could be considered Lucas's first playdate. By the end of this year, there will be 8 babies between the 7 of the book club's members, and they will all be within about 2 1/2 years of each other. I hope they get used to each other now since I think there will be a lot more playdates in their future. Of the 7 that have already been born (#8 arrives in September), only one is a girl. What do you want to bet she's gonna completely run that group when they are all a little older? Anyway, here's a picture of the lone girl, Francesca, holding Lucas.

Before wrapping this up, there were a couple more firsts for Lucas this week. One, I already mentioned in a previous post, but I wanted to reiterate that he is now sleeping in his crib. This is his third bed in just over a month, but he should be in that for the foreseeable future. In addition, Lucas spit up on me for the first time this past Thursday. Considering, he's spit up on just about everyone else who has held him (including a particularly amusing throw-up right down Aunty Tany's shirt), I'm surprised I made it that long without incident. Now let's just hope it stays a month in between spit ups for me.

1 comment:

Christie O. said...

gosh he's so darn stinkin cute!! and what a cute room! we didn't put aidan in his room until he was 3 months old, aren't we lame? haha! anyway, loved "knocked up", we happened to be sitting next to a soccer mom, her husband, and 6 teenage boys and the mom was mortified the entire time, it was hilarious. haha! so happy one month birthday lucas! oh and i don't think i actually made it to that candlebox concert you mentioned for some reason, booo.
happy monday!