Wednesday, September 8, 2021

First Day (9th grade edition) and some late lacrosse photos

 At the risk of bodily harm from my mother if I don't post these ASAP, here are Lucas's first day of 9th grade pictures (and Marilu's return to work as well). You'll note that this is the first year that Lucas is taller than Marilu.

Marilu with no heels...

...and with heels.

According to Lucas, the day went well. I think this is the first back to school where almost all kids were happy to be going back, given the last 2 years that we have had. 

Because of the pandemic, the schedule is revised so that kids are only in two classes each "quadmester," a period that lasts about 2 1/2 months, I think. It makes for some weird combinations. In Lucas's case, he will be taking gym and drama. Crazy, huh? Another kid we know has math and science. In the end, they will all be taking pretty much the same schedule over the whole year, but it's just amusing how polar opposite those two examples are.

Hockey will be starting up soon so maybe there will be some actual games this year, which will give me a good excuse to post more picture. I'll keep you updated!

Speaking of sports, here are the entirety of photos I took from this year's lacross season. I say season, but it was just practices and some 2v2 or 3v3 scrimmages during practice. My camera didn't do a wonderful job, but this is a warm-up drill where Lucas is basically just throwing the ball againts the wall and catching it.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Thank-you. Thank-you. Thank-you. I think this is a wonderful way to keep a scrapbook for Lucas when he's older. I know it becomes more difficult to post as Lucas is growing up but now that Covid is more or less in the rear view mirror hopefully there will be more photo ops. I miss you all so much and really enjoy checking in this way.