Sunday, April 28, 2019

Houston, Part 3

It just occurred to me last week that I never finished chronicling our trip to Houston. So here we go!

Following our trip to the zoo, we spent the next day at Houston's Natural History Museum. I wasn't expecting much more than just another history museum, but I was amazed at just how incredible the dinosaur section was. It was easily the best display of dinosaurs I've ever seen. I eventually read that one of the curators of the museum was Robert Bakker, who was the inspiration for the main character in Jurassic Park, so I guess it makes sense it's going to be a good exhibit.

I won't bore you with too many "museum pictures" since they probably aren't that thrilling to look at.

I saw this notice on one of the entrances to the museum. Is it just me, or is it kind of sad that people need to be told not to bring a gun into a museum?

Given my arachnophobia, I gave this display a big thumbs down. That's a big NO!

This charismatic guy welcomed us to the dinosaur exhibit.

I can't recall if this was a stegoasaurus or one of its cousins, but I had to take a picture since it's my favorite dinosaur. I even recall being a (young) kid, wanting to be a stegosaurus when I grew up.

This must be a distant relative of mine.

This was just a fraction of the dinosaur room, to give you an idea of how big the exhibition area was.

I can't recall where this was taken at the museum, but it's the only picture I have of Lucas there.

And the only picture I have of Marilu, reveling in chemistry.

After the museum, we headed over to a nearby craft brewery, the oldest one in Houston.

Lucas enjoyed what I believe is a reuben sandwich.

Jon and I enjoyed a couple of beers before embarking on the brewery tour. You can see the brewery in the background.

Jon and Marilu check out the equipment inside the brewery.

Earlier in the day, I took a picture of a sign for a closed-down restaurant that we kept passing on the highway. Given Lucas's longer hair and his penchant for wearing a Bass Pro Shop hat, this was his nickname for much of the trip.

And that wraps up that day. There aren't too many more pictures so I will try and get the rest of them uploaded in the next post, which should be up this week.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Excellent post. There was something for everyone it seemed. If loved the dinosaur exhibit...looked awesome.