Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Massachusetts 2011: Part 2

Before I get into the meat of this post, let me warn you that I just popped a couple of Percocet so if this post starts to ramble--moreso than usual--you can blame the painkillers. I pulled something in my back this weekend and have been in agony the last couple of days, especially at bedtime, so the doctor was kind enough to give me some happy pills.

Let's return to Massachusetts in mid-August and take a look at what we were doing. Our second day there, we drove over to Swansea to visit my high school friend Jeremy and his family. As luck would have it, they own a pool so we took full advantage of it.

And the trampoline...

And the sparklers! As you can probably tell, we had a great time. Lucas was very shy at first, but he warmed up to Connor and Emily within a half hour or so. On a side note, school has really helped his shyness. I'll talk about it more in a future post when I don't feel like I'm going to fall off my chair (the Percocet is kicking in). :)

Marilu poses with the kids.

Isn't technology wonderful?

We're definitely looking forward to seeing them all again next time we're in Massachusetts. Now I have to go before I completely pass out. See you later!


Mom said...

Hope you're feeling better. Ow, you must really be hurting if you're taking percocet. Great pictures at Jeremy's. The kids all look so happy. The trampoline and the hair are cute.

Jeremy said...

Don't forget the home brew and queensryche