Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Snow, Anyone?

Seeing as it currently "feels like" 33 C/91 F, it seems as good a time as any to revisit our past winter. As we do almost every year, Marilu, Lucas, and I once again made the trip down to Winterlude. I think this is the 3rd time we went as a family and the 4th time in total. For us, that's pretty much tradition. For those of you who don't know what Winterlude is, let Wikipedia be your friend here.

Lucas tried his hand (foot?) at skating on the canal for the second straight year. This year, he wore real skates for the first time whereas last year, he was on double-bladed training skates. I don't think he's going to be the next Olympic skater, but he did okay, considering how little we bring him to skate. Actually, if I recall correctly, this was the only time he used them this year. What can I say? I was born in California; I have better things to do than slide around on a sheet of ice and fall on my butt.

Of course, what is Winterlude without the ice sculptures, and there were plenty of those.

We wrap this post up with a picture of Mr. Rosy Cheeks.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Give me 90 any day and you can keep the ice and snow in Canada. Have to admit though that winterlude looks like fun. Loved the Newfie hats.