Sunday, September 8, 2024

All of the First Days

 Last week marked the start of Lucas's final year in high school. To mark the occasion, I decided to take a trip back in time to get an idea of how he has changed over the years. For your viewing pleasure, the "first day of school" from 2011 to 2024.

2011 - Junior Kindergarten

2012 - Senior Kindergarten

2013 - 1st Grade

2014 - 2nd Grade

2015 - Third Grade

2016 - Fourth Grade

2017 - Fifth Grade

2018 - Sixth Grade

2019 - Seventh Grade

2020 - Eighth Grade (note the mask...what a fun year)

2021 - Ninth Grade

2022 - Tenth Grade

2023 - Eleventh Grade

2024 - Twelfth Grade

Next year, I guess we will probably get a picture of him heading off to university or whatever it is he ends up deciding to do in life, but for the "official" school pics, it's the end of an era. Looking through these does make me nostalgic for that cute little kid, but I'm also glad to know he has grown into such a fine young man (when he isn't getting under my skin).

Hope you enjoyed this photographic journey! 


Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful trip down memory lane!

Anonymous said...

Gone from a cute kid to a handsome young man.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Our boys have certainly grown up so fast!

Anonymous said...

What a great journey. From a cutie to one handsome guy. Thanks for putting this together. Mom/Grammy