Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's a Whole New World

As you've probably guessed, things have come to a standstill up here, along with the rest of the world. The remainder of Lucas's hockey season was cancelled so I have elected to believe that they would have gone on to win the rest of their playoff games and become the House B Peewee Champions of 2020. Go Cows!

This is March break so Lucas and Marilu were already scheduled to be off, and the schools announced they would be off at least an additional two weeks so they won't be back until the end of March at the very earliest. Though I guess we will see how things play out.

On Monday, my company finally told us to work from home so I started that yesterday (Tuesday). Once again, it's hard to say how long this will last, but I'll make the best of it even though working from home is not the easiest way to be productive. I've made it through two days so far so thumbs up for that. I'll probably go in tomorrow or Friday for a few hours just to get a break from Lucas asking if he can use the computer. God forbid he not be able to play Fortnite over vacation.

In case you missed it, Beatrix came home early from the breeder since Marilu and Lucas will be home to watch her. Along with her came her 6 puppies. There were 7, but once accidentally died the first night after they were born. The breeder thinks B might have rolled over on the pup.

Nevertheless, the remaining ones are as cute as can be. There is one beige one, one dark brown one, and the rest look like B. One even has a big white patch on its chest, similar to B's, though much more prominent on the puppy. Here's a shot of the pile of puppies having a nap, which is something they do 90% of the day, lucky little buggers.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Thanks for the update. Many people are working from home here also. You should see the Commerce parking lot. It's eerie. You should set up a schedule for the computer and let Lucas know ahead what hours he can use it. He's old enough to understand that it's not about not allowing him to use the computer but it's about you having to do your work. It's how you get paid. I know, "easier said than done." Good luck and try to stay healthy. Love you all.