Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sports News

Ok, we're back! I don't think there is anyone who is still reading this that doesn't know I had a "stroke-like event" back on my birthday (Feb 4), but if it's news to you, give me a shout and I'll fill you in.

In other news, Lucas's hockey team finished the regular season this past Sunday with a 3-0 loss. It was really disappointing since they dominated the other team (23-15 advantage in shots on goal, according to the goalie coach), but the other goalie was on fire. The same thing happened against that goalie a couple of years ago in the playoffs so it felt like deja vu. So with that loss, they ended up in second place, one point behind that team.

Since the playoffs are a round robin affair, the loss doesn't mean anything in the scheme of things--other than bragging rights--and none of the kids seemed to care. The round robin will continue until the end of March since there's a week off for March break, and then the winner of the Kanata league will face off against the winner of Nepean (central/south Ottawa) for the House A championship. The two leagues are wildly mismatched--Kanata has a whopping 1 win and 1 tie in all of their games against Nepean this year--so our hopes are not high, but who knows, that's why they play the games, right?

I don't think I've mentioned in here yet, but once hockey is over, Lucas will be playing lacrosse. He's decided to go with just that for the spring, surprisingly passing on baseball. I'm not sure what to expect since I think it'll require a bit more exertion than Lucas is used to, but it should definitely be more exciting to watch than baseball.

Enough news for now. Here's some recent pictures, as opposed to the usual stuff from 2015.

First up, this is the latest picture I took on my camera. It's a little fuzzy since I was trying to get a picture of Beatrix with her mouth open before I took her for a walk this evening. She had it wide open, which looked like a smile, but this was the closest I was able to get since she kept shutting her mouth. I decided to post it anyway since you can see her face well for once.

Last weekend, Lucas's hockey team had a team event where they skated on Parliament Hill, something that was set up as part of Canada's 150th anniversary in 2017. We got a decent shot of us in front of Parliament.

During the skate, we got the Coconuts and the Pink Fluffy Unicorns (his coach's other team) to pose for us. Lucas is third from the right in the second row (in the green shirt).

And finally, here's a shot of me while on my hospital adventure. Always stylish, that's me.

More to come soon.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Thanks for the pictures. I check every day for updates. I love the family pic on Parliament Hill.