Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Day of School!

I'm taking a quick detour from the Disney trip to highlight Lucas's first day of 5th grade. Last year, I linked to previous years so you could go back and see the differences from year to year. However, this year, I'm going to put all the photos in this post and then from here on out, I'll just add new photos to this one. Makes it easier for everyone! (particularly me)

So without any further adieu...

Junior Kindergarten

Senior Kindergarten

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

And now the new one! 5th Grade!

It took a little bit of work to get him to smile/laugh like that, but it was totally worth it.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I love this. Its my new desktop wallpaper at work. How can you have a bad day looking at that face?