Monday, June 13, 2016

Changes are afoot

I just wanted to give you a heads up that major changes are coming to the blog soon. Due to some little shitheads at Lucas's school finding the blog and teasing him about pictures of him in the bathtub when he was only a year or two old, I decided I'm going to make the blog more private.

I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do yet since Blogger is an all-or-nothing blog, meaning it's all private or all public. I've read where people maintain two blogs, one public and one private, so I may do that since I'm comfortable with the Blogger format. There are also other blog sites such as Wordpress that allow you to make specific entries private. That's the more elegant solution, but I don't know that I feel like switching to a whole new site.

Either way, in order to access the private stuff, you'll need to login, and I'll need to give you access. I honestly don't know how many people read this blog past immediate family so if you want access to the next incarnation of the blog, email me or add a comment to this post, and I'll be sure you're on the guest list when Deal Blog 2.0 opens.

That is all.


Tracey said...

Count me in. ;)

Mom/Grammy said...

Unbelievable that you have to change the Blog because of some third graders who are already trolling the internet to cause grief to other people. God it starts young.

Marilu said...

Justin forgot to mention that Lucas told his classmates about the blog that he found by googling his name. Photos of him showed up in the image section. When you click on the photo it brings you to the blog.I don't think they were trolling the internet. :)