Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hockey Update

We just received an email from Lucas's new hockey coach, and as expected, he made Novice B. One of his best friends from last year's team is also on the team so that should make things easier on Day One.

Anyway, that's all I have to say now. I'll post some more photos later since I'll be gone this weekend to Toronto to meet up with an old Army buddy.


Mom/Grammy said...

I'm actually happy to hear that Lucas is going to be in Novice B. Too much past experience with parents. If your child is in the upper levels, parents become way too involved as each thinks their child will be the next Gretzky, Lemieux or Bourque. Lucas can have fun, develop more skills, become a good teammate and sportsman and everyone goes home happy.

Have fun in Toronto.

Love you. See you in December.

Marilu said...

I don't think all parents become way too involved at the upper levels. I know many who recognize that their child will not be the next Gretzky but they love hockey and are good at it. Some of the parents I know support their kids because of the scholarship opportunities elite athletes have access too. As long as the kid is driven I think the upper levels are necessary to ensure they continue to be challenged. Having said all that, I am happy with B since the time commitment is way more manageable.

JD said...

The time commitment is far and away the biggest turnoff for me. I'm sure she can add more to my comment, but Tracey's kid is in competitive hockey, and from what I've heard, you can basically say goodbye to any life you have while hockey season is going on. If I recall correctly, her husband Andre told me that they had 5-6 ice times the very first week. Hell. No. I'd be burnt out by the end of the first month.