Sunday, December 21, 2014

12 Days of Christmas, Day 9: Portable North Pole

It's a good thing I built in a day of forgetting about the 12 Days of Christmas since I, well, forgot yesterday. Odd thing too, considering this is probably the shortest one I'll do.

As you'll likely remember from past Christmases, we had Santa send Lucas a video message via the Portable North Pole website. You can see this year's message by clicking here.

And here is Lucas's reaction to it. I'll warn you in advance that this isn't the most thrilling video you'll watch this year since it's mostly Lucas watching the screen. Try to ignore the part at the end where I couldn't figure out how to stop the recording. Damn technology.

I should point out that despite the video saying Lucas was in between the naughty and nice list, he got a letter from Santa at school the next day stating that he was on the nice list. That worked out well. Compared to past years, he's been a heck of a lot better behaved in 2014.

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy said...

Is poor Lucas ever going to make the nice list on his first try with Santa?