Today is Lucas's last day of ski lessons for this year. According to Marilu, he's made great progress since the beginning of the season. They do plan on going at least a few more times before winter is over (possibly dragging me along at least once), but today is the end of "official skiing."
Earlier, Marilu took a video of Lucas on the slopes prior to his lesson and sent it to me via text so I could put it up on the blog. The quality isn't that great, thanks to the fact that iPhones suck at video, but at least you can get a general idea of how Lucas is doing. Just follow the black and blue blob on the field of white. :)
For the record, this next week is March break for Marilu and Lucas, and although we have no plans for vacations in far-flung exotic locations, we will be heading down to Syracuse for a quick getaway from Monday to Wednesday.
I really enjoyed the video and this time I was able to see him ski without being outside freezing. Lucas has certainly come a long way since he first started on that green carpet. Thanks for sharing . Have fun in Syracuse!
He is doing great. And Étienne took another leap forward with his skiing as a result of skiing with Lucas yesterday. A little too much maybe. He went from being timid to bombing down the hill after Lucas. But he had a blast doing it.
And for the record, YOUR iPhones suck at video. Mine is awesome.
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