Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

The fates were conspiring to prevent Halloween this year. First, Hurricane Sandy was supposed to drop a bunch of rain on us today, but all we ended up getting was a light sprinkle early in the day. Then Lucas came home from school with a fever, and it looked like trick or treating was a no go. However, some children's Advil and what I suspect was a fair amount of adrenaline gave him the push to get out there and collect chocolate bars and chips from nearly every house on our street.

Here he is costume, right before Marilu took him trick or treating. I've taken him every other year so we figured she deserved to go this time.

He did end up vomiting in bed around 10:30 PM, and I'm sure the candy he ate when he got home had something to do with it, but for now, I'm going to mainly blame his fever.

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Mom said...

We've been waiting for the Halloween update. At least Lucas didn't have to take a trip to the emergency room after "chocolate overload" like some other little guy I remember! Sorry he was unwell, but I'm sure missing trick or treat would have been worse for Lucas than canvassing the neighborhood while sick. Love, Mom