Thursday, October 11, 2012

Massachusetts 2012 - Part 6a (The Rest of the Pics)

Thus far, there has been a theme to all of the posts for Massachusetts. For these last two posts, they are basically the best of the rest. Of the hundreds of photos taken, I selected the ones I liked the best--for one reason or another--and present them for your enjoyment. At some point, I'll post them all to the online photo albums (that is a headache/work in progress), and you'll be able to view the whole smorgasbord of New England goodness. So without any further adieu, let's see what's happening.

Before Marilu arrived, Lucas was missing her so I encouraged him to draw something in chalk with her in mind. I can't exactly recall what the point of it was, but it helped him get over his missing mom.

An example of Lucas goofing around.

Lucas looks like a deranged sales rep for Perry the Platypus juice drinks.

Admittedly, this is not the best photo of Lucas, but it was one of the few I had of him by the fire at night. It's surprising, considering how often we were out there during our vacation. I particularly miss it now as we are well-entrenched in October, and the temperature is sliding toward freezing.

I'm pretty sure I took this photo since I was amused at just how messy Lucas was at his most recent meal. It's one thing to cover your face with food but your elbow?

Just posing.

This is one of the best pictures I can recall with Lucas and his Uncle Jared.

As a belated birthday gift, my cousin Greg bought Lucas this telescope. It's actually quite advanced--Lucas won't be using it for a few years--but it's a great gift that I'm sure he will get a lot of use out when he is older.

Greg and I. We don't have nearly enough pictures together so I'm glad I got this one.

Family night at Eighty Ates!

This was taken at the beach at Indian Ranch where we saw Gretchen Wilson in concert. The scowl on my face is due to the fact that I'm carrying a Bud Light and a Michelob Ultra. The beer selection was piss poor so I had to slum it for a couple of hours. I don't know how people drink that swill regularly.

This is less due to his opinion of the music and more due to the fact that his ears are sensitive to loud noise.

This was taken on our way home from the concert. It was kind of nice having a concert venue within walking distance of home. Plus, we got to stop at The Lodge for steaks on the way.

More from the front lawn.

I can't recall why Jared was posing like this, but the picture amused me.

Here's an early preview of Lucas's Halloween costume. Han Solo, beware!

We visited my Uncle Randy down in Connecticut on one of the nights, and Lucas had a blast playing with his two dogs and their puppies.

I'll wrap up the Massachusetts trip tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mom said...

You really got some good pictures this time around. I'd love to get the one of Randy and Lucas copied for Randy. Nice little gift. Good job. Well done. See you Wednesday.

Love, Mom