One other thing I did with Lucas before Marilu arrived was to bring him miniature golfing. My mom came along to assist, in case he got out of control. I'm not sure if I mentioned it on this blog, but the last time we went mini golfing him was on the cruise in March, and he ended up flinging his golf club around the 9th hole. I guess that's practice for when he's older and slices it. We also went to the same place (Crystal Caves in Auburn, for those of you from central Mass) last year, and he lost patience with mini golf within a couple of holes. So I was happy to see he made it through the whole course this time. He got a little antsy toward the end and wanted to crawl around the cave, but for the most part, it was a successful outing. Lest I forget, he got a hole in one on the very first hole without any help from my mom or me!
The next day, Marilu flew into Boston. Since we were there, we decided to make the most of the trip and went to the New England Aquarium. We were going to stay over and do some more stuff in Boston, but hotel rooms were around $300 a night. Yeah, I don't think so.
I wanted to comment on some of these photos, but Blogger decided to upload them out of order, and I can't easily fix it (this blog can be a pain in the ass when it comes to managing pictures). As such, enjoy our day at the aquarium.
1 comment:
What nice memories those pictures conjure up! The next PGA star...hmm. Loved the Aquarium pics. The ray touch tank is really cool...great expressions.
Love you all.
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