So, we're down to 432 photos. Still a daunting task, but not quite as bad, and short of deleting all of them, I'd eventually have to get around to this. I expect there will be several entries devoted to Massachusetts, and I'm going to try to base each one around specific events and then maybe put the random ones in a final catch-all post. Whatever the case, expect to see lots of photos from the New England region over the next week or two. After this, I'll tackle the Newfoundland trip, which only has a paltry 280 photos to sift through.
Since one of the highlights of our trips to Massachusetts is staying at my mom's place on Webster Lake (or Lake Chargoggagoggmanchaugagoggchaubunagungamaug to the locals), this first entry is devoted to our time in and around the water. The ability to spontaneously decide to jump in the water is one of the things I've missed most from that trip. There were at least a couple of days where I went down to the dock, intending to spend 15-20 minutes in the water, and then 3 hours later, I was finally toweling off. Good times.
For the first time since I started visiting, the boat my mom and Kevin own actually worked while I was there. We took it out a few times but didn't think to take many photos. Although the one below is a bit blurry, I kind of liked the look of it as we came back into the dock. For what it's worth, that thing was so much fun to drive. It's by Seadoo, and it's a cross between an actual boat and a jetski. Someone out there might know the name for this type of vehicle, but all I know is that I had a blast.
Our little Jacques Coustaeu prepares for his aquatic adventure.
Although all the photos you'll see here show Lucas wearing floaties, he did brave the water without them from time to time. He's made remarkable progress over the last few months, between swim lessons and this trip, and I expect he'll ditch the floaties long before next summer.
I love the fact that it looks as if I am trying to catch Lucas in this photo. In reality, I was hunting kivers (bluegill/sunfish). They are a very stupid fish, and I managed to catch 30-40 of them by net alone during the trip.
Kevin and Lucas having water wars. Lucas is winning.
Great shot of Lucas with his Grampy Kevin.
While selecting photos to use for this entry, I noticed several good videos from our time playing in the water. Since videos take forever and a day to upload, I'll post those in a follow-up to this entry, probably tomorrow. Hope you've enjoyed. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
1 comment:
Grampy Kevin read your blogspot and asked if he could have a 4x6 of the picture of him and Lucas. He'd like to update his Grampy frame. Also, he read your memorial blog for Rory and was moved beyond words. You touched us all, my dear. Love, Mom
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