Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year to everyone! Also, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! I've been on a bit of a vacation from the blog the last week or so, but it's time to start updating again. I planned to post a bunch of pictures from Christmas morning, but then I realized that Marilu has the camera with her. She and Lucas have headed over to Mt Pakenham for his very first day of ski lessons. I'm pretty excited for him and hope he enjoys it. If he does, it could be a fun family activity during the winters. Since I tend to want to stay in when I look out the window and see white-covered lawns and gray skies, the more that gets me out, the better!

Thanks to technology (i.e. iPhone), I was able to get a picture from Marilu prior to his lesson, which is going on as I type this. There will probably be more to come, but enjoy this for now.

1 comment:

Mom said...

too cute. Wish there was a video.

Love you