Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011

Before my mom starts yelling at me, let me get the pictures of Lucas up from Halloween. Thanks to the LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean game for the Wii, Lucas developed a fondness for pirates this past summer, and it was a natural progression that he would decide to go as Captain Jack Sparrow.

This year, we started trick or treating a couple of streets over, at the home of Sam, one of Lucas's friends from daycare. Prior to going out, we got a picture with all the kids that were going out.

Lucas then posed for a couple shots for Marilu.

I tried to get some photos of Lucas and Sam during the actual trick or treating, but they were so hyped up that this was the only one they stood still for.

Continuing a trend from the last two years, Lucas got tired of trick or treating fairly quickly. We weren't even halfway through our crescent when he started complaining and wanted to go home. Interestingly, it was right after I let him dump the contents of his bag into my bigger bag. I'm pretty sure that's about the same time he stopped last year. I guess he doesn't really understand the concept of cause and effect. The more houses he goes to, the more candy he gets. Not that I should be complaining!

As some of you may know, I like to carve pumpkins each year. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of this year's jack o' lanterns until about a week after I carved them so they were starting to fall apart. But here's a couple of pictures, just so you have an idea. The second one is a pirate ship, in case it's not clear from the photo. I also neglected to take a picture of them in the dark, where they would be easier to see. Maybe next year I'll think ahead.

1 comment:

Mom said...

You're right. I was about to complain about the lack of pictures. Thank-you. At least Lucas didn't end up in the emvergency room because he ate too much halloween candy like someone else I know! Great pumpkins.