Monday, December 13, 2010

The Hair: Before and After

If you've been paying even the slightest bit of attention to Lucas's more recent pictures, you've probably noticed that his hair was getting, well, big. Depending on how you view curly hair, genetics has either cursed or blessed him with my hair type. I try to keep mine on the short side since once it grows out a bit, it gets crazy. The same goes for Lucas.

We already realized it, but it wasn't until I took this picture of him as he woke up one morning last week that it really kicked in that he needed a haircut.

As a result, we finally made an appointment for a haircut, which lucky us, was yesterday morning in the freezing rain and hail. Marilu was kind enough to take a "before" picture (notwithstanding the stellar photo above).

And I took one of him as we had a post-haircut KFC lunch. Still a little wacky but under much more control.

Now we're good for another 6 months. :)


Mom said...

Hmm...looks like he could benefit from a little bit of gel. I don't remember your hair being quite that frizzy. what a mop of hair!


Kimmers said...

He looks thrilled in the before shot...the same kind of excited that normally appears in mugshots. ;)