Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Newfoundland in Pictures: Part 5

Wow, Marilu took a LOT of pictures during their trip. There will be one more photo post, and then I plan to do a final one with videos from the trip. Since I leave for Massachusetts myself on Thursday morning, I'll try and get them all posted by tomorrow night.

Not sure what the story behind this is, but I suspect someone ate well that night.

I vaguely recall Marilu telling me they went to the shore and caught little fish on one of the days they were there. Presumably, these are from that day. Great expression in the second shot.

Pictures from the next day. Marilu, Lucas, and an unknown baby.

Feeding the ducks and swans at a local park.

It just isn't a park visit if you don't sit IN the park sign.

And a few more from the park.

If you look closely, he's trying to touch a chipmunk.

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