Well, that's not totally true. What I plan to do is create several posts during one sitting and then time delay them so that they appear to upload every morning, probably at 6 AM. Smoke, mirrors, and trickery aside, what this means is that you'll be seeing a lot of Lucas pictures over the next 20 days. You can thank me later.
For now, let's start off with a post highlighting the hijinks of Lucas and I in the backyard back in March when we both tried on snowshoes for the first time. Suffice to say, neither of us were terribly proficient.
Lucas tests out his footing.
Here we both try to stay upright. Luckily, there are no pictures from a few minutes later when I fell on my ass.
If you DO fall down, you may as well eat some snow while you are down there.
Posing together.
Finally, a video of the little guy trudging along the frozen tundra of our backyard.
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