Thursday, May 20, 2010

Winterlude 2010, Part 2

It's been two and a half weeks coming, but here are the rest of our pictures from our trip to Winterlude back in February.

In the first one, Lucas poses with Marilu on yet another ice throne.

Standing in front of the massive sheet of ice with the festival's logo.

Ice skating on the canal with Marilu. In his case, though, it was more ice standing or ice shuffling, but we all gotta start somewhere, right?

Eventually, he just lay face-down in the sled and let Marilu pull him. Not the most regal pose.

A final picture of our future Gretzky.

1 comment:

mom said...

Let's see. We missed Winterlude and the tulip festival. What can we miss next? It sure won't be Lucas's birthday. Loved the head in the sled pose!