He's been a pretty good kid the last couple of weeks, though we have resorted to a combination of bribery and blackmail to maintain that behavior. You see, in a few weeks, his Grammy (my mom) is coming to visit, and we have already told him that she is bringing him a Spider-Man scooter. He couldn't be more thrilled about this and just about lost his voice when he saw it during a webcam conversation.
So, with that information in hand, here's what we've been doing. Whenever he starts being a pain in the butt, we grab the phone, tell him we're calling Grammy and telling her not to bring the scooter, and start dialing. In 95% of the cases, this gets him back on the straight and narrow REAL quick. Yes, some may say this is not the best parenting, but our biggest worry is what we're going to use for blackmail once he gets the scooter.
Onward to pictures from early February...
I believe this is the first picture taken of him on the new hardwood floor that Marilu's brother Jonathan installed during his visit back in late January. It also shows off his wonderfully chaotic hair. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention he was trying to wear my boxer shorts (which are straight out of the clean laundry basket).
I suspect Lucas doesn't have a career in the fashion industry (thank god) after seeing this ensemble: a raincoat and rainboots over his Superman pajama top.
This next picture was taken after we made an impromptu snowman. If you look closely, you can see Lucas has cannibalized the poor thing and is eating one of its blackberry eyes.
Lucas and some of the neighborhood kids make the most of a snow hill made in the yard of our neighbor across the street.
That's all for now. There aren't too many more February pictures--just some stuff from Winterlude and his latest haircut--so we may be able to hit March by week's end. I've also been better at taking new pictures of him so hopefully I can get some recent stuff up soon as well.