Friday, September 18, 2009

Worst. Phase. Ever.

We all know it's common for a child to go through different phases in their lives, with some characteristic seemingly coming from nowhere one day and then disappearing as quickly as it came days, weeks, or months later. If what I went through this morning with Lucas is a phase, let's hope it falls into the single day category of length.

Let's review how my day started this morning...
  1. At approximately 6:40, I get out of bed since Lucas is whining repeatedly over the monitor.
  2. While walking to his room, I realize he is saying "pee" so I go in expecting the worst.
  3. Sure enough, Lucas has peed through his diaper and PJ bottoms and there is a medium-sized wet spot on the bed. No biggie as this is fairly common for him recently.
  4. Pick him up, get him a new diaper, take the sheet off his bed. Put him back into bed and give him some off his stuff to play with since I want to go back to bed until 7. So far, the same as a lot of mornings.
  5. As I lie in bed, I can hear him playing and moving around but nothing out of the ordinary.
  6. At about 5 til 7 (roughly 10 minutes later), he starts repeating something else over and over, enough that I can't get stay asleep so I walk back to his room.
  7. Just before I get there, I realize he's probably saying "big poo." We are kind of potty training him lately, and he typically says this when he wants to use the toilet so I figure I'll be carrying him in there to use the bathroom.
  8. I walk in the room, and the first thing I notice is that he removed his diaper. Damn, guess he really needs to use the bathroom.
  9. I hurriedly move to pick him up and get him to the bathroom before he starts going, and that's when I notice he pooped right in the middle of his bed.
I don't really need to go on, do I? The only silver lining in this story is that the poop was solid and it was on the crib mattress itself which wipes quite easily. If it had been diarrhea and on his sheets? That would have been much nastier.

I guess the other silver lining is that the day can only go up from here. And as I said at the very beginning of this post, let's hope that this is not a sign of things to come.


Tracey said...

Oh my friend - that could have been so much worse. Ever heard of poop smearing? Some kids take it out of the diaper and proceed to paint the crib (or their whole room if possible) with the poop. THAT is a phase you don't want to experience. Nor do I (so far, so good). Compared to that possibility, a chunky turd in the crib is really no biggie.

If the diapers aren't holding enough at night, try Huggies Overnight diapers. We've been using them with Thierry for at least a year; he makes the regular ones explode overnight.

Anonymous said...

Very funny story, but it could have been so much worse.

Maybe you get Lucas up the first time he calls and get him on the toilet. Hmm? That might save you a lot of grief later on.

Keep having fun.