Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Onwards to March...only a month late!

Here are some random pictures from early March. In the first one, we see that sometimes a kid just has to kick back, relax, and toss back a cold one.

Trendsetter DJ 2 Small unveils what all the cool people will be wearing this fall.

We bought a new storage unit for Lucas's closet, and while I tried to put it together, he decided it made a better playset.

Does TV rot the brain? It sure does capture a kid's attention as we can see Lucas transfixed by whatever happens to be on (probably Madagascar 1 or 2, based on that timeframe).

Speaking of rotting brains, let's rot daddy's too! (I really like this picture of the two of us, by the way.)

Especially when you see what I was watching.


Grammy and Grampy said...

Good stuff! Once again you gave us a laugh for the day with the shot of what engaged you so on TV. Loved the pic of you both. Lucas is one cute little man. As I said, good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I laughed out loud. Thanks for that!
