Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Friendly Neighborhood Lucas

In the latest health news, a couple of other kids at Lucas's daycare have got Fifth Disease so it's more than likely he'll end up with it, if he hasn't already contracted it. Although I'd never even heard of it, apparently it's extremely common and to be honest, it doesn't even sound as bad as getting a cold. You get a rash, maybe get a runny nose and slight fever, and that's it. Lucas already has sensitive skin so who know if we'll even notice a difference.

The next couple of pictures are from way back on Jan 31, but coincidentally enough, that's the same outfit Lucas wore to bed tonight. Go figure. One of Lucas's favorite things to play with lately is Play-Doh. He even tries to say it, but it comes out as Bo-Do or something like that. Marilu could tell you better than I could since she hears it more often.

As you can see, he has a little container that contains all his Play-Doh items. We've bought even more Play-Doh stuff since then so that barely contains his current inventory.

He hasn't quite figured out how to get the lid off yet. I guess he needs just a little more finger strength.

I just thought this was a cute full-body shot of him in his Spider outfit.

Here we see him intent on working the Play-Doh in some sort of nifty shape.

And then inevitably, it all comes back to this. Every Play-Doh play session so far has been halted since he either tries to bite a piece off, or he actually does manage to get a chunk in his mouth and he fights us to prevent us from removing it. Oh, the timeouts he's had and no doubt will continue to have.

Just wanted to add that although he is speaking really clearly yet, he definitely is getting closer to being able to talk. He has some "words" that are very close in sound to the real word so he knows what he's doing. As far as him understanding us, he's doing fantastic. We can give him multistep tasks and he will usually be able to follow them. For instance, we can tell him to pick something up off the floor and throw it in the trash. He'll grab it, run into the kitchen, open up the cabinet door, throw the object in the trash basket, and then close the door. It's really quite neat to see him learning almost in front of our eyes.

Anyway, that's all I got for now since it's quarter after midnight, and I'm getting tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lucas looks so grown up in his "spidey" clothes. Those were some really good shots of him with the play dough. Whoever took those picture did a great job capturing "toddlerhood."

Love you all!