Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well, we just got some crappy news regarding Lucas: he tested positive for a peanut allergy. The allergist said 1 in 10 kids grow out of them, but I don't really like those odds, so yeah, great.

I know it's not the end of the world, but it's still going to cause a (relatively small) lifestyle change for us, and it could be life-threatening to him down the line so it's depressing. One of the few upsides I see to it is that with so many kids having peanut allergies nowadays, it should make the world an easier place to exist than a decade or so ago when it was a tiny fraction of people with it. And the fact that peanuts appear to be the only nut he's allergic to so down the line, he can try other nuts if he so chooses.

Anyway, there you go. I can think of better ways to celebrate his 20 months.

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