Saturday, October 18, 2008

Before I go

I almost forgot to get a new post (or 2) up before I leave for Atlanta. So now it's 1:15 in the morning on Friday night, and here I type frantically to get a couple posts on the site so that you can get your Lucas fix over the next 3-4 days. I'll get back into town really late on Tuesday night--more like Wednesday morning--and then I'll update during the day on Wednesday since I'll have the day off since it's technically my travel day.

So without any further adieu, let's get to the pictures since that's what you came to see, not my blather.

We're finally in October! Although Lucas hasn't gotten any neater while eating, he's a lot more expressive now.

I think this next picture is probably one of the best photo I've taken of Lucas and Marilu. The stars were truly aligned in order to get them both looking at the camera and smiling nicely at the exact same time. Well, Lucas isn't exactly smiling, but it's still nice.

This is from the same series, but is decidedly less serious.

Lucas got his first chance to eat cake batter off the mixer thingamajigs (it's late, the exact name eludes me at the moment). Suffice to say the kid is happy.

The aftermath.

More to come on Monday!

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