Friday, September 5, 2008

One (or four) for the road

I'm going to be driving down to Massachusetts today (in less than an hour, probably) for my Aunt Julie's funeral, and I won't be back until Sunday night so no updates until then. Before I go though, I wanted to put up a couple of pictures of Lucas to tide you all over. :)

Here's a shot of Team Cool. Unfortunately, the flash is covering half of my face but that probably just improves the photo overall.

Facial expression notwithstanding, I think this picture does such a good job of making Lucas look like a little man. On a completely unrelated note, this is the 4700th photo (or video) I've taken on this camera. I'd say we got our money's worth.

Here's a photo from the new horror film Night of the Adorable Zombies.

Finally, Lucas stares in amazement at the new mini-fridge. Hey, I gotta have somewhere to put all my homebrewed beer. For the record, he was much more entertained by the box than the actual fridge.

Have a good weekend, all. Talk to you again on Sunday or Monday!

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