Friday, August 1, 2008

Walking Extravaganza!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I'm about to post 6 videos of Lucas walking so that's gotta be worth at least 1200. As a result, I'll keep the talky-talky to a minimum. In a nutshell, here's the first good videos we have of Lucas walking. There's also a couple of short ones in there of him falling on his butt which are good for a chuckle. And lest you think his desires for the camera have changed recently, nope, he's mad as hell, and he wants the damn camera.

Raise your hand if #5 was your favorite. Me too. Oh, and believe it or not, he doesn't cry uncontrollably everytime he walks. Since I've got him all to myself all of Saturday and half of Sunday, I'll be sure to try and get some more walking videos where he doesn't look or sound like something out of a horror film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the walking videos, but Lucas sounds so sad...or maybe upset that he couldn't get to the camera. Yes #5 is the winner