Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Videos from Boxing Day

We took a LOT of videos, in addition to pictures, over the last week, and rather than let them sit on my hard drive and gather dust (or whatever happens on hard drives), I'm going to do my best to get most of them on YouTube so you can enjoy Lucas in motion. I figure the easiest way to do this is just to separate them out by date so let's begin with the first day since my last update.

In Canada, the day after Christmas in known as Boxing Day, and other than the fact that it has nothing to do with Rocky Balboa or any of his pugilist peers, I'm pretty clueless as to what this holiday is all about. However, we get the day off so it's all good by me. (I suppose I could look it up on Wikipedia and know in about 30 seconds, but I'm a busy man with busy things to keep me busy!)

As you all know by now, Lucas loves to chew on things. While this is not normally an issue, sometimes he feels like chomping down on human flesh as well. Here we see the little hooligan going all cannibal on his mom.

Apparently, Lucas is already preparing for a life in the corporate world. And just like me, he's not too fond of the keyboard that he must work at all day.

Whereas the first two videos are "funny," this one falls more under the cute label as Lucas and Marilu both show off the Labrador pride.


Anonymous said...


From the looks of it Lucas is trying to devour his mom's face. What a riot! This is really a good video. Sure gave me a chuckle.

JP said...

You are much more tolerant with the computer than I am. I let the watch and push the mouse around a little bit, but no pushing keys or buttons. I am always afraid they are going to delete something.

Anonymous said...

Ooo, smart boy! Going for the Reese's!