Whatever the case, it's made me lazy so let me throw up a couple of highlights from last week. We're about to head out to a Christmas Eve party, but when I get back, I'll post another entry with even more pictures (and perhaps a video or two).
Marilu joined a weekly playgroup in our housing area a couple of months back, and they had Santa Claus visit last Tuesday. Here's a picture of Lucas with the big guy. I should point out this is Lucas's third brush with Santa, as he's visited him in the mall as well as the time Santa was played by yours truly. It looks like they sprung for a beard that actually fit on this Santa.
We've been introducing Lucas to a variety of new foods in the past couple of weeks. I'll have to consult with Marilu to remember all of them, but the most fun to watch are some crackers called Mum Mums or some such thing. Since Lucas is basically feeding himself, it's amusing to see him try and get the cracker in his mouth.
I guess the other pictures will have to wait as I am being called by her royal highness. Talk at you all later!
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