Friday, October 26, 2007

The week in review

As mentioned a couple of posts ago, Wednesday was Marilu's 30th birthday. Here's a picture of our family at Lone Star, where we went for dinner. In case you're wondering about what Lucas is looking at, two women at the table behind us were doing their best to get him to look at the camera the waiter was holding. Not perfect, but it's better than him looking at his feet. :)

From the day before (Tuesday), here's one of Lucas's first boo-boos. He's had a scratch here and there, usually self-inflicted, but this was the first time he needed a band-aid. The culprit? His very own mom, who accidentally took off some skin when cutting his nails. According to Marilu, he cried a bit at first, but like the trooper he is, he got over it.

Another one of mom and son from Mom's birthday dinner...before Lucas opened up a can of scream.

Finally, a couple of cute ones of Lucas sitting on the couch with the feeding pillow from Thursday.

As you may know, we've been throwing Halloween parties for the last 3 years. Our 2007 version was scheduled for tomorrow, but due to a lackluster response, we canned it and turned it into a more family-friendly, afternoon open house party. As a result, tomorrow afternoon should be a veritable photo op gold mine as there will be plenty of little kids running around in cute costumes. Marilu provided the idea for Lucas's costume this year, and Tanya provided the mad sewing skills to make it. I won't give the surprise of what it is away right now, but trust me, it should be cute as the wonder boy himself. I'll try to post pictures after the party tomorrow night, but failing that, I'll upload them on Sunday.

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