Okay, I think that's enough. We went to a BBQ Saturday, and I played a fair amount of touch football and volleyball. However, as it turns out, my sedentary 36-year-old body called upon muscles that apparently haven't been used since Clinton was in office. As a result, I've been hobbling around all day as just about everything from my knees up to my neck are experiencing some kind of discomfort. Isn't aging grand?
We took a few pictures at the BBQ, including the "sequel" to a picture from last month when Lucas got paired up with fellow babies Brody and Kayden. I'd post them right now, but unfortunately the camera is upstairs, and I don't feel like aching my way up there (see preceding paragraph, if you please). As a result, they'll be up sometime this week, once the Newfie trip comes to a close.
So onwards to Day 5 in Newfoundland, which also happened to be my last day there. We spent the day visiting more relatives out in Paradise and then took a trip over to Cape Spear, a tourist spot. The nifty thing about Cape Spear is that it's the easternmost point in North America. Heck, if you get a running jump, you can just about hit Iceland from there.
I may not be a baseball fan, but I find Lucas's baseball "uniform" to be too cute:
And now, a long string of Lucas pictures with his new relatives...
Unfortunately, Lucas decided to pull out his Quasimodo face for this one with great aunt Charlene.
Great uncle Julian
Cousin Shane is someone who is a wee bit closer in age.
Great aunt Joan
The last of the family pictures sees cousin James taking a break from Xbox 360 to hold the little rugrat.
After that, we headed off to the aforementioned Cape Spear. We took a bunch of pictures, but here's a good one of the Deal family. If you click on the picture and enlarge it, you can make out the tower on Signal Hill just to the left of my head waaaay off in the distance.
The McCarthy (with a touch of McGrath) ladies quite literally way out east.
Yet another in a long line of photos of me standing in front of a tower of some sort. Let's be mature and leave Freudian theories out of this conversation.
The last picture of Lucasaurus and me before I returned to Ottawa. Yes, I was a bit sad to leave him, but that was tempered somewhat by thoughts of uninterrupted sleep and drinking Guinness in my boxers at any time I wanted. Viva bachelor week!!!
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