Since we'll be heading out tomorrow morning, I wanted to post one last entry before I go. Like I said before, there will be entries that appear while we're gone--I've already done one for both July 1 and July 4--this will be last "real time" entry. Nothing terribly noteworthy, just some more random photos from early June.
I think I've mentioned it previously, but Lucas can now crawl up the stairs himself. Here's a photo and a video of the accomplishment from June 6.
Later on that day, I joined Lucas in the tub for his bath, hence the reason the water is up so high. Since no one really wants to see me in a tub, I've edited as much as me as possible out of the photo. :)
On June 7, the three of us, along with cousin Tanya, drove down to Syracuse to do some shopping, primarily for Lucas's birthday party the following weekend. Obviously, this didn't make for a lot of photo opportunities, but I still did sneak a couple in. For starters, how about these two from the Waterloo outlet mall?
The second photo makes him look a lot more scared of Buzz Lightyear than he actually was. Which, come to think of it, was not at all.
I took this last photo since he looked so content sleeping on the drive home. Can you all say, "Awwww"?
That's all for now. Keep an eye out for more entries over the next week and a half, and I'll talk to you again "live" when we get back on July 10. Later!